The Christian Taylor Shooting

R.I.P. to yet another young back man killed by a police officer.

In this video it looks to be that Christian Taylor may have been going through some issues (mentally) with his actions, not such an aggressive behavior which warranted murder. It is tragic and a reality blacks have dealt with for centuries – the hatred of our skin color by whites.

Not sure if there is ever a chance of a world functioned by morality.

Racism – Media Mind Control

I will be sharing videos showing the truth with the entertainment business which is owned and controlled by white men. The minds of the masses are being controlled unconsciously. Sadly, a majority of people have no idea the television shows, music and all other types of imagery being fed to them is a successful ploy to keep their minds at the lowest possible state.

The strategic moves the entertainment business and United States government make against people of color is a system of oppression and destruction.

Open your minds my Black people *** That is the only way to a higher state of being.