
Dear White People

The Netflix series…


In a world where white is considered of the ‘norm’ and everything outside of that dominion is different – society needs eye/mind openers such as shows like this which gives face to the insides of the multi-faceted truths of black people.


* Racism is an ugly truth that will forever be a factor in this world as long as white people continue to feel and force their supremacist terrorism on any persons who are not of their group.

The Guardian Article – Young Black Men…

killed by US police at highest rate in year of 1,134 deaths (posted 12/31/2015)


I see too often whites and even some lost black souls who say: Whites are killed at the same rate or higher by police officers or Blacks kill blacks at higher rates.

Lets clear some things up for those who obviously only see one side of the issue at hand – RACISM.

And quote from The Guardian:

Young black men were nine times more likely than other Americans to be killed by police officers in 2015, according to the findings of a Guardian study that recorded a final tally of 1,134 deaths at the hands of law enforcement officers this year.

Despite making up only 2% of the total US population, African American males between the ages of 15 and 34 comprised more than 15% of all deaths logged this year by an ongoing investigation into the use of deadly force by police. Their rate of police-involved deaths was five times higher than for white men of the same age.

For the outrageous ignorant statement about how blacks kill blacks at higher rates thanks any other group of people is easily put like this.

When it comes to what is considered the general public (your non-government workers like police officers or our army) – people kill people for the most part people who are in their own communities. So, for example:

You’ve got the psychotic white males and females who kill their own peers, and in the black community we have an issue at hand with gang violence more so than just your random killings. There is no gene in black people that makee us more susceptible to being a more violent group of people.

If you really want to get deep… We’re less violent – look all the violence that has been forced upon us since we were brought here to the United States and other paces like the Caribbean where we were made to be slaves, beaten, raped and murdered. We’ve been quite non-violent for centuries.

Every place in this world that had native people of color has been terrorized by whites. There is no place they have not traveled and forced themselves upon the native people, their unjust laws and their voilence.

We as Blacks were the original inhabitants of this world. We had and did many great things before whites came to see and wanted all that we were. Our spiritual connection to the creator(s), our ways of living, our architecture, our culture was so much more than what they had ever thought of – that is why they fear us.

Our greatness – what our ancestors created – we have to teach our young ones the truth.

Worker’s Go on Strike – India

Millions of worker’s went on strike this past Labor Day weekend.

I work in the medical field, and know first hand of so many American companies who outsource their work to India and other places like the Philippines. This is a worldly issue which affects us here in the United States with lesser jobs and the people abroad who live in poverty because of these low wage jobs.

The filthy greediness of the world’s leading corporations leaves a stain on the economy and its people.