Happy Earth Day 🌍🌾🐼🐝🐠


With each century that passes, it shows the carelessness majority of humans possess when it comes to this magnificent blessing called Mother Earth.

We do NOT have a never ending supply of natural resources & one day we will be an extinct species at this detrimental mind & physical state most are in… If you don’t care about Mother Earth for yourself, care for your children and their children.




Kern River in Bakersfield, California

It’s sad to know that the government has to adamantly denied climate change / global warming – whatever you want to call it as an existing worldly issue that is immediate action is needed.

It’s even more sad to know an large number everyday humans aren’t aware of this issue or just don’t give a fck… What we do on a daily basis, at home, at work, while at the beach and what our government regulates or lack thee of directly effects the world.

Not only is there a drought in my home state of California, but as well as Africa and other regions. The climate rise means ice melting which means higher sea levels and this is not good for Earth and it’s inhabitants.

The image above is a place my parents took my sister and I to as children. My heart hurts to see that such a beautiful river gone. Drought conditions have hampered farming, increased water rates throughout California and created potentially dangerous conditions in areas prone to wildfires. 

On Monday, the L.A. Department of Water and Power (DWP) said it was increasing its staff of water-wasting inspectors from one to four in an effort to better patrol the city of four million. Even though the State Water Resources Control Board in California recently instituted statewide mandatory water restrictions that can result in fines of up to $500, the focus of these eight boots on the ground will be more education than punitive enforcement. This falls in line with the city’s policy to date: 1,400 reports of water violations have been reported this year through June and 863 warning letters handed out, but no fines given.

So what is with this “Ice Bucket Challenge” BS…? Are these people serious??

“Fresh water is one of our nation’s most precious resources,” Jim Gulliford, executive director of the Soil and Water Conservation Society, told The Wire in an email interview. “It is a resource that should never be undervalued or wasted. This becomes even more important when areas of our country are suffering from drought.”

Let’s use the brain cells given to us so generously for good. There are critical issues that needs to be addressed, taught to the masses and regulated. There should be recycling for every house and apartment building along with climate change being talked in every classroom.